Cari B. Rincker, Esq.

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Teacher • Lawyer • Blogger • Author • Speaker • Podcaster • Farmer • Athlete • Contact Cari


Cari is a nationally recognized attorney in the areas of food, farm and family law.
Her law practice, Rincker Law, PLLC, has offices both in New York and Illinois.

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Cari is a prolific writer and recognized blogger. Not only does she author an award-winning Blog by the American Bar Association, but she also has a personal blog and a blog about Illinois.

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Cari has authored 3 guide books and 1 children's book that are available on Amazon, Kindle, and iBooks.

Read Cari's Books

Cari Rincker and Pat Dillon teamed up to co-author the “Field Manual: Legal Guide for New York Farmers and Food Entrepreneurs” to serve as a practical guide for different segments of the agriculture industry. It gives a general overview of a myriad of food and agriculture law issues including business formation, contract law, confidentiality, farm leases, environmental regulation, animal law, land use and zoning, right-to-farm law, intellectual property, farm transportation, employment and labor law, property law, wind energy leases, direct farm marketing, cottage food operations, food labeling, and on-farm poultry slaughter. It’s a “must read” for New York farms, agri-business owners, and food entrepreneurs to help them understand the breadth of laws that affect their business.

Read Cari's Books

This comprehensive divorce and family law book is truly one-of-a-kind. It offers the perspectives of attorneys and professionals on a myriad of family and matrimonial law topics, including issues regarding:

    (e.g., custody, visitation, support, paternity, child protective proceedings, adoptions, kidnapping);


    (e.g., grounds for a divorce/annulment, spousal maintenance, equitable distribution, religious issues);


    (e.g., family offense proceedings, conciliation proceedings, Persons In Need of Supervision);


    (e.g., prenuptial/postnuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, pet agreements, surrogacy agreements);


    (e.g., litigation, mediation, collaborative law, neutral evaluation).

What makes this book especially unique are the diverse viewpoints from non-lawyer professionals who aid people through these various life changes. To illustrate, the book’s authors include a parent coordinator, parenting coach, nutritionist, image consultant, mindfulness and lifestyle coach, personal trainer, credit repair professional, professional organizer, insurance professional, private investigator and real estate professional. This diverse approach adds invaluable depth and perspective to the reader. This book also offers information on social media, courtroom decorum, keeping legal fees down, choosing a qualified attorney, and community resources. There is truly something for everyone who is going through a family law dispute or transition.
Find the books on Amazon and Kindle.


Cari is a nationally recognized speaker on a myriad of food, agriculture and family law topics.
She may be available as the Keynote speaker for your next event.


Cari loves to share her knowledge with others, and she frequently adds new installments into her series of podcasts.

Cari grew up on a Simmental cattle farm in Shelbyville, Illinois. She also owns her own farm outside of Champaign, Illinois that she calls "Cari's Farm" complete with chickens, goats, and cattle. Cari is also a recognized cattle judge and has traveled around the United States and Canada judging livestock shows.

Visit the Farms

Connect with Rincker Simmentals & Cari's Farm on Social
Rincker Simmentals
Cari's Farm


Cari is an adjunct professor at Vermont Law School teaching an online agriculture and environmental law course and is a past adjunct professor at New York University, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies teaching an undergraduate food law course. Cari is also an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois, School of Law teaching mediation.


Cari has developed a love for health and fitness. Follow her wellness journey
on social media and connect with her at local boxing class, a half-marathon or triathlon.
Conect with Cari on Social Media

Cari B. Rincker, Esq.

Conect with Cari on Social Media

New York:
535 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017

Champaign, Illinois:
301 N. Neil Street, Suite 400, Champaign, IL 61820

Shelbyville, Illinois:
229 E Main Street, Shelbyville, IL 62565

Teacher • Lawyer • Blogger • Author • Speaker • Podcaster • Farmer • Athlete • Contact Cari